
A Colonoscopy is a day procedure that takes place in a hospital setting.  This procedure allows the doctor to view the inside of your bowel using a thin flexible tube with a tiny camera attached.  An anaesthetist provides medication so you are asleep during the procedure which takes approximately 20 minutes.  Special preparation leading up to Colonoscopy is required.  We will provide you with specific preparation instructions which include fasting and taking a liquid medication – both of which are very important to ensure your doctor can clearly visualize your bowel.  Our standard instructions are provided below. If you are over the age of 70 years or have other medical issues please obtain your bowel preparation instructions from our specialists after your review.

Your doctor will provide results on the day of your procedure.  If biopsy samples are taken, or if polyps (bowel growths) are removed, these will be sent for laboratory testing, and the results will be available within a few days. 

Recovery time is brief, although you may experience minor bloating, or cramps for up to 24 hours.  Due to the anaesthetic, you should not return to work on the same day as the procedure, and we encourage you to arrange a relative or friend to drive you home. 

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